Monday, August 18, 2014

After a long and stagnant absence

I have decided to try and resume a blogging life once again. After a lot of changes of job duties, laptops (thankfully I have one that actually operates now),and a  health scare I want to put creativity back into the life mix.
After having most of the summer off following  surgery, I put together a little list of things that happened over those couple months:
Summer 2014:
*Spent time with the family ( when they could be dragged away from their own personal inclinations/electronic devices
*One expensive van repair
*Two new car windshields
*One new dryer
*A new air conditioner
*One new permitted driver in the family
*Two children's birthdays
*1500 photos printed (they no longer reside only on my flash cards)
*Read and dumped over 6 bags of magazines
*One Broadway show:The Lion King (we could most definitely feel the love tonight with front row seats)
*One week in the Outer Banks which has become one of my favorite places to just be totally chill
*Saw three lighthouses and climbed the tallest on the East Coast
*Actually drove on the beach ( thought we would be stuck there for a minute or two)
*Saw the Corolla wild Mustangs
*One visit to the National Gallery of Art ( Degas, Cassat, Titian, Rembrandt, Picasso and a Leonardo (Davinci) not mutant turtle
*One blockbuster - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (how I do love Andy Serkis)
*Two Seasons of Game of Thrones
*Season 4 of Downton Abbey
*Readying myself to say  goodbye to True Blood....I love you Pam and will I go on without you?
*renewed my love of scrapbooking- actually finished 20 scrapbooking pages
*and maybe the biggest accomplishment.... I didn't buy a single piece of clothing for 8 weeks ( working retail, this is a personal best.....don't even bring up the fact that I didn't go to work for 8 STILL counts! )

I have begun many new art ventures in the last 18 months and hope to explore my new path here in the coming days.